This farmhouse was located on Highland Road in Happy Valley at what today is known as 9142 SE 145th Ave. The old barn can be seen to the lower right, portions of which remain today (2004). The majority of the barn was destroyed in the Columbus Day storm in 1962. This was originally a dairy farm, later turned into a blackcap berry farm. Story has it that this house burned sometime in the mid 1900’s and that the family moved into the woodshed that is now a home at 9142. Photo is circa early 20th Century and was provided by John Mitchell of SE Clatsop Street.

A photo from the same era of the Krause family that lived and/or worked on the farm on Highland Road. Source John Mitchell.

Another photo from the same era of the family that lived and/or worked on the farm on Highland Road. Source John Mitchell.

A view to the northwest of the “woodshed” house after several add-ons and upgrades. Located at 9142 SE 145th Ave. Photo circa 1955. The current home of Diane Bryant is on the hill to the left of the house and the old Carmin home is up to the right. Wyler Estates subdivision is currently (2004) being built on the hillside directly behind and hidden by the house.

This photo is a view to the south from the 9142 house circa 1956. Scouters Mountain is in the distance with the old Bixel house and barn in middle left. There was an airplane landing strip that ran along the field just below and to the left of the Bixel house. There was a filbert orchard to the left and behind of the Bixel house. The old water building is high on the hill just below the tree line. Highland Road (now 145th Ave.) runs through the photo to the right. The Ladd farm is on the right side of the road (now Happy Valley Pre-School). The Meng property is on the hill behind the Ladds (south of King Rd). The cows in the lower part of the photo are grazing on what today is Monterra subdivision and are from the Thompson Dairy that was located across the street where Carmichael Estates now exists.