Highland Rise was a proposed subdivision on the east side of 145th (formerly Highland Road) just south of Northern Heights subdivision. It was planned on land that has been owned by the Gustafsson Family since 1955. It was comprised of a portion of the remaining 6 acres of an original 26 acre berry farm that used to be on the north slope of Happy Valley east of 145th. The Gustafsson property is where the original farm buildings, barn and farmhouse were located. In 1962 Corey and Fran Gustafsson built a new home on a rise near the middle of the property. In 1977 Erik Gustafsson bought the old farmhouse and 1 acre along 145th from his parents. Corey passed away in 1993 and the next year Erik and his wife Nancy purchased the remainder of the property from Fran. In early 1995 Erik and Nancy formally partitioned the entire property into 3 lots and built their new house near the east end of the 6 acres. In 2005 they sold about an acre to BIG, LLC, the developer of Northern Heights, for road and sewer access. Ultimately the approved subdivision was abandoned in 2018 by the Gustafssons in order to preserve the family property and farm.

Arial view of area showing Gustafsson property (c.2000)