Happy Valley Heights

(September 29, 1996, Happy Valley) Within the last several weeks heavy earth moving equipment has moved onto the land to the south of Happy Valley Heights, the new subdivision just south of Happy Valley Elementary School on King Road.

The equipment is carving what appears to be a new road.

In the process large amounts of earth are being moved from an area due south of the school up to the east edge of SE 145th Avenue near King Road, a distance of about 1/2 mile.

Large plumes of dust can be seen billowing up from the dirt path that the equipment has beaten down.

In the recently finished Happy Valley Heights there are at least twelve new houses under construction at this time.

Heavy Equipment at the site of the new development.

New homes under construction.

Road is torn up for culvert work just south of the school.
Blue Heron Pointe

The second phase of Blue Heron Pointe near the intersection of SE 145th Avenue and Callahan Road is nearing completion. The roads have been paved and the sidewalks are finished along 145th and Callahan. It appears that new homes will soon be under construction.
Red Rose Valley

A new road at the Red Rose Valley development near the intersection of SE 132nd Avenue and King Road is under construction.

The Altamont development on the east side of Mt.Scott north of Idleman road is under construction.

Erosion control measures are in place. Notice large pipe for carrying water down hillside.

Large earth movers, bulldozers and dump trucks are busy moving earth up and down the steep slopes.

A view toward downtown Portland is what new residents in Altamont will enjoy.
Chula Vista

New construction is beginning at the end of Chula Vista Court on the east side of Mt. Scott. A large pile driver is working at the site.