What does Happy Valley look like today (2004)? Well here are a few pictures taken recently.

The above photo is a view from approximately the same location as the picture in our logo. It is about 200 south of the actual spot since there are tall trees in the way that block the original view. To the left is Scouters Mountain where the Boy Scout Chief Obie Lodge is located. Happy Valley Pre-school is seen in both pictures (used to be Dr. Ladd residence in 1955). The road running through the photo is SE 145th Ave. (used to be Highland Road in 1955). Jackson Hills is a new subdivision being built in 2004. Happy Valley Heights is a large subdivision that was built starting about 1996. Monterra subdivision was built about 1999.

A view from the new Jackson Hills sub-division looking NNW toward Monterra and Clatsop Butte. The old Bixel house and barn have been demolished at middle left in picture (July 21, 2004).