Discover the historical treasures of Happy Valley, Oregon

In the beginning Happy Valley was called “Christilla Valley”, after the first homesteaders to take up a claim there – Christian and Matilda Deardorff.
Frequently Asked Questions
When was the City of Happy Valley founded?
The city was officially incorporated in 1965. (Wikipedia)
Where did the name Happy Valley originate?
A descendant of an early settler gives this version:
The valley was referred to as a “Hollow”. Boys from the “Hollow” enjoyed drinking Grandpa Deardorff’s delicious apple cider before attending church services at Sunnyside and often used to arrive there singing loudly and gaily. Sunnyside dwellers were soon referring to them as “The happy boys from the Hollow,” and after awhile the area became known as “HAPPY VALLEY”
Who were the first settlers to arrive in Happy Valley?
Christian Deardorff, a former Virginian farmer re-located in Iowa, arriving in Oregon in 1851 with his family, obtained the first donation land claim, 640 acres on the floor of the valley.
What were some other family names of early settlers?
Scott, Davis, Gilliam, Talbert, Hubbard, Strickrott, McIntyre, Ulrich, Zinser, Rebstock, Paulson, Becker, Oldenburg, Bower, Kanne, and Rushford.
What was the first home built in Happy Valley?
The Deardorff family built the first home in the valley in 1852. It was constructed of logs and there was just one room with a large fireplace at one end.